Equality, diversity and human rights policy

Statement of Intent

Dental Specialists Windsor is committed to the principals of equality, diversity and human rights for all our patients and staff. We want to ensure that discrimination does not take place and that everyone is treated fairly and equally.  


Dr Sandra Pritlove-Carson is responsible for considering and taking action if this policy is breached, in addition to arranging training in equality and diversity and ensuring that staff understand their responsibility to create a fair and un-discriminatory environment for colleagues and patients.

Anti-discrimination legislation

The rights of our patients and our staff with regards to discrimination are protected by anti-discrimination legislation including:

  • The Equality Act 2010
  • Part-time workers (Prevention of less favourable treatment) regulations 2000
  • Employment Rights Act 1996
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Types of discrimination and harassment

At Dental Specialists Windsor we will not tolerate any of the following forms of discrimination and harassment:

Discrimination is any form of unfavourable treatment. We recognise that any discrimination is harmful and is, in many cases, illegal.

Sex discrimination is any form of treatment which is unfavourable and which is gender or marital related. Discrimination according to sex is illegal under the terms of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975. The Act applies equally to both men and women. Sex discrimination is when one person is treated less favourably on the grounds of his or her sex than a person of the other sex would be treated under similar circumstances and can be direct or indirect.

Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination. It can be defined as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature or other conduct based on sex which affects the dignity of those who work in or who attend the practice. This can include unwelcome physical or verbal conduct.

Race discrimination is any form of treatment which is unfavourable and which is related to colour, race or nationality. Discrimination according to race is illegal under the terms of the Race Relations Act 1976 and can be direct or indirect.

Racial harassment is a form of racial discrimination and might involve racist jokes or insults etc.

Religious discrimination is where a person is treated less favourably because of his or her religious beliefs. The Fair Employment Act 1989 enables employees who feel that they have been discriminated against on the grounds of religious belief or political opinion to take action against an employer.

Disability discrimination is where a person is treated less favourably because of disability. Occasionally a disability can limit a person’s capability for some forms of employment. Discrimination occurs when the treatment of the individual is unfavourable taking into account the disability.

Age discrimination is where a person is treated less favourably on the grounds of age. The Employment and Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 requires employers to foster a workplace culture in which discrimination and harassment, on the grounds of age, are unacceptable. Employers are also required to lay down procedures to enable employees to work past the age of 65 if they so wish.

Harassment is a form of discrimination where a person is made to feel uncomfortable because of their sex, race, disability, age or religion. It may involve action, behaviour, comments or physical contact which is found offensive, objectionable or intimidating by the recipient.

Victimisation is when the employer treats an employee less favourably than other employees are treated because he or she has brought or threatens to bring proceedings, or give evidence or information against an employer with reference to the Sex Discrimination, Race Relation or Equal pay Acts.

The right to have equal pay provides equality in terms of an employee’s contract where he or she is employed to perform work which is rated equivalent to that performed by a member of the opposite sex.

Service delivery

We are committed to:

  • Meeting the requirements of individuals fairly, equitably and in a non-discriminatory way
  • The principals of fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy in all that we do
  • Being accessible and flexible when providing our services and taking the differing needs of our patients into account
  • Assessing policies and processes and taking action to address any adverse impact should this be identified
  • Monitoring and evaluating our services to ensure they are meeting the needs of our patients

What to do if you are the subject of discrimination or harassment

Let the perpetrator know how you feel verbally or in writing asking him or her to stop the behaviour. Keep a record of the incidents, raise the issue with Dr Pritlove-Carson and if the matter is not resolved, submit a written complaint.

All allegations are taken seriously.